Management Team
Our organization is comprised of one office administrator and five outside sales engineers. The sales people are located in St Louis MO, Kansas City MO, Des Moines IA, and Omaha NE. Each sales person has a minimum of twelve years of sales experience in the industry. We have a combined sixty years experience selling in our territory. Please feel free to call, email, text, or join us on linkedin. We would like to consult with you and your company to budget a project, quote an item, demo a product, or set up a training.
We appreciate the opportunity to earn your business if you Have a question about IT solutions give us a call today!
Tech Reps Headquarters
Tech Reps Headquarters
Neil Feldhacker, RCDD
17728 Castelar Cir
Omaha, NE 68130
402 680 5383
Click for Linkedin Click for Vcard
St Louis, MO
Tech Reps of St Louis MO
Gene Moore
Territory Eastern MO and Southern IL
Kansas City, MO
Tech Reps of Kansas City
Neil Feldhacker, RCDD
Territory Western MO and Kansas
Des Moines, IA
Tech Reps of Iowa
Neil Feldhacker, RCDD
Territory Eastern and Central Iowa
Security IA and NE
Tech Reps Security
Neil Feldhacker, RCDD
Amy Feldhacker 402.250.7407
Security KS, MO, S IL